
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration: The North Canal Watershed Management


The project upgrades the original100,000 t/d above-ground WWTP(WWTP Effluent Discharge Standard Class IB) to a200,000t/d underground WWTP (effluent achieving Surface Water Quality Standard Class IV), leaving the ground area for a flowing water park, and turning traditional WWTPs from 「negative assets」 of cities into「positive assets」. The treated effluent will be used to recharge the Xiaotaihou River and support the water consumption of Universal Studios Beijing.

1.The effluent of the Tongzhou Bishui WWTP is used to recharge the Xiaotaihou River and support the water consumption of Universal Studios Beijing.,

2.The OECD-organized 2nd APG Forum on Public-Private Partnerships & the 3rd International Public Procurement Forum & PPPs On-site Seminar of Bishui Project in Tongzhou was successfully held.,

3. The outlet of the Bishui WWTP before renovation.,

4. The outlet of the Bishui WWTP after renovation.,

5. The watercourse at the outlet of the Bishui WWTP before renovation.,

6.The watercourse at the outlet of the Bishui WWTP after renovation.